The rants, raves, thoughts, and general knowledge of one person in Spring Valley, California. Hope you enjoy or at the very least, can tolorate it.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thanks Wichita
As far as next years 58th NSDC, we need to get alot of people to register, because we are still way low on numbers the last I saw we had only 2,355 registered. I believe that I saw that the bare bones break even point is 6,000. Wichita had 6,025 but had many more advantages than we do in Long Beach.
Tomorrow, or later today, we packup to go back to KC in order to come HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love traveling, but as anyone who travels knows, some of the best moments in traveling is coming home. :)
I will update pictures and more information once I get home and rest. That probably won't be until Thursday at the earliest as I'm planning on going to the Fair on Tuesday & Wednesday to see Sugarland (Tue) and Little Big Town (Wed).
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Going down....
The tour was about an hour long, very interesting and if you are claustrophobic, be in the second group of 14 in the tour group, last in to the elevator, first out! They took us through the mines for about 30-40 minutes on a tram explaining some different things. Very interesting like I said. Then you can take a short walking tour of the different areas of the active mine that is about 2 miles away within the same tunnel system. At the end of the walking portion you are introduced to the Underground Vault area where all of the major motion picture houses send at least one copy of every film they make and many of the costumes and props. Check out the pictures over at myspace.
We came back, and dad was pissed at me because of the fact that I officially told him that his stupid jokes were starting to piss me off. He stayed in the hotel room the rest of the day while my mom & I went over to the convention and had fun. I need to get to bed, we have a 8am (CDT) wake up so that we can see the presentations from both OKC and Spokane to see who wins the NSDC for 2012.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
And then it was summer
I woke up today late (10:30) and took care of the standard morning things. We found a Denny's for breakfast and then came back to the hotel. I called the Mays and since we were all going to be going to the same places, we did it together. We went to the NSDC to get our badges, and while the Mays were taking care of some problems they were having with the badges, we shopped at the NSDC booth (since it was the only booth open, it was not a hard choice to see where we wanted to shop!). From there we migrated over to Sheplers here in Wichita. Sheplers is a big time western catalog business that has a few actual stores (LV & Wichita to name a couple). The Mays found some stuff, I found a really sweet looking Budweiser shirt, but they did not have it in my size (I found the only one and it was a small, there is no way a small is going to fit me!!!!). After that and the group seeing someone get pulled over by Wichita police we went to a local eatery (Town & Country) to have dinner. I had a mesquite grilled catfish plate, mom had Beef brisket, and dad had wait for it...... a salad!!!!!!!! During dinner (since I know Jesse will bring it up) I was eating mom's jello that had fruit inside of it. I made a few wrong turns and quite a bit of it ended up on either me or the floor (refer to the May's P.A.D. possibly for more information).
Finally dance time came around, neither mom nor I did a lot of dancing (Mom 0, Chris 1 -- Tip scoreboard) mainly because we were as tradition, getting all of our ducks in a row for the rest of the convention. We were trying to find where the L&F booth is (really hidden behind two different halls, ours will be more in your face) and finding out what time we are going to be working the 58th NSDC shop (it was never open tonight, so we still have no idea).
Anyways so now it is time to go to bed cause we need to be at the Mays RV around 8 so that we can go to the Salt Mines about 1 hr NNW of Wichita, and when we are up there, we are going to an Amish restaurant for breakfast (hope mom can find something to eat). Later!
P.S. If you care, Fresno State ended up winning the CWS tonight after defeating Georgia 6-1. Zach Stone (son of NBC 7/39 Sports reporter/Weekend Anchor Jim Stone) bothered me tonight during the dance to let me know that the Central Valley Bull Dogs ended up winning the game with the guy form RB closing the game out. Memo to Zach, who give a bleep. It was not Wichita State, Miami, or Rice in the finals. Both Bull Dog (Dawg for Georgia) teams got hot at the end of the season, Fresno State was only 4 games above .500 going into the conference tournament, they really should not have even been in Wichita. They got there the only way they could by winning the WAC tourney, and then getting luck in the CWS tourney.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Traveling in Nebraska and Kansas
We left Council Bluffs around 9:30a and got into Omaha around 4, with a 30 minute stop at a truck stop in Salina, KS. So we finally got into the hotel, and they were nicer than any other hotel that I have been to. This would be a hotel that I would be proud to work at, as long as things work as smoothly as check in did.
So I met up with the May's and Mom and I took Amanda over to a trail dance for the NSDC, with the convention actually opening on Thursday. We spent at least an hour after the dance at the May's RV just talking about random stuff.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Rosenblatt Stadium
We went over to a Super Wally to grab a couple of things. After that we came back and got ready for the College World Series and for the travel for tomorrow. We left the the hotel around 4 for a 6pm game. I got us to the stadium around 4:20 after traffic and all. I got to my General Admission section right before Fresno State had BP. During the ballgame I struck up a small conversation with a couple of good looking girls that were sitting in front of me. I didn't find out until later that they "need some seasoning". Georgia ended up winning the game 7-6, they won when Brandon Burke (Rancho Bernardo) gave up a 2-run HR and the game tying RBI Double. If Georgia wins tomorrow (6/24) they will be the National Champions.
Tomorrow, Wichita. If you are going to Nationals, I'll see you there.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Sunday in Iowa/Nebraska
Tomorrow we are planning on going to the Air & Space Strategic museum in Nebraska. After that, we are Rosenblatt Bound!!!!!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
What a day
From the Lincoln Memorial we went over to the Lewis & Clark Memorial. Lewis & Clark made thier first meeting with the Indians of the region here in CB. I have a video of the view from the memorial for your viewing pleasure on myspace.
From there, we went to the spot that the US Government will tell you that nothing happened, but in reality it is where the Golden Spike that really connects East and West Coast. This is were the Union Pacific began their trek to the West Coast.
From there we came back to the Hotel for me to change from sandals to shoes. We then made our way to the location in Nebraska that many many years ago where the Oregon and California trails converged. After that we went to the Teritorial Capitol of Nebraska in Omaha. From there we crossed town to see the birthplace of 38th President of the USA (Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.).
After a quick stop to get drinks, we headed off for the current capitol of the state of Nebraska, Lincoln. It was about an hour drive from Omaha. Everything went quietly today as far as Mom & Dad were concerned. Once in Lincoln we went to the Capitol (known in these parts as "The tower of the plains"). After that we traveled cross-town to see what on 8 times a year is the 3rd largest city in the state of Nebraska, Memorial Stadium. Which is home to the Nebraska Cornhuskers football team (again, I have pictures and a video over at myspace). We came back to the hotel to get directions to this steak house with a non-steak house name (Pizza King). Real old-school flavored steak house with an Italian twist, from what the front desk here at the hotel was saying pretty much all of the non-chain steak houses here in "the metro" (CB & Omaha) have an Italian twist who knew there was such an Italian base here? We went over to Pizza King and had dinner, Dad had Prime Rib (HUGE portion), Mom ordered Steak (she asked for it to be Well, it came back Medium, she wasn't happy) and shrimp and I ordered a Steak Tips and Rice. It was kinda on the expensive side, but it was overall good.
We came back to the hotel after dinner and watched the rest of the UNC/Fresno State game from 4.7 miles away (UNC won, final game on Sunday to decides who plays on Monday when we go). We got directions printed out and went over to see where the riverboat that we are going to be on in the morning is so that we know where to go. On the way over we found this really sweet looking Union Pacific Railroad memorial, unfortanatly the pictures really didn't come out. We asked a few people (include a cop) where the sign that says Omaha that ESPN always shows during the coverage of the CWS was and really no one knew where it was we got a couple of guesses, and one of them got it right, the picture is on myspace, but I'm going to go back and get another one during the day.
Tomorrow, we are supposed to go on a riverboat cruise, and then down to Nebraska City to checkout the outlet stores down there (50 or so miles South of Omaha), then for dinner we are going to the Buffet that I prommised my Dad that we would go to. As of now, it looks like on Monday we might go 30 Miles or so into Nebraska to see a Strategic Air Meuseum that we saw signs for on the way to Lincoln. Later.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Des Moines to Council Bluffs
Way, way too much arguing between Mom & Dad over how to drive. Most of the arguing coming from Dad and was because of his blood sugar that he has never really gotten control over.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Final day in Des Moines
We went to dinner at Applebees around the corner from the hotel. After that we decided to take a look around a Super Target. Then I came back to the hotel, and getting ready to take off to go to Omaha and Council Bluffs.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Day 2 in Des Moines
After we got done with the bridges, which took about 5 hours to complete, as the bridges are not anywhere close to I-35 and are widely spread around the Winterset community. The Imes Bridge whihc is the furthest SE on the "bridge road". From the Imes bridge to the Holliwell Bridge it took about 45 miunutes (mainly gravel roads). The Holliwell bridge was one of the two main bridges used in the movie. We then went to the Cutler-Donahue bridge which is in the city park of Winterset. After that, we went to the birthplace of John Wayne (Pilgrim!) where my Dad took the tour, and he was very happy since he is a huge John Wayne fan. The second to final bridge that we visited took us an hour to the West of Winterset to find the Roseman Bridge which was the other bridge used extensively in the movie. We made our way back to Winterset to have lunch and then finally to the only bridge that you can drive through the Cedar bridge. The reason why it is the only one that you can drive on is because it was torched by an arsonist in 2002, and was rebuilt with the same design as the original, and with the same materials.
We came back to the hotel for a few seconds and then went to Fudruckers for dinner where all three of us had Buffalo Burgers (YUM!!!!!!). We then toured Des Moines and found the Govenor's mansion along with the Capitol building and the first signs of actual damage in the downtown district. I will have more pictures up on myspace with all of the downtown areas and the area that my Dad grew up in East Des Moines.
Til later, c ya
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday -- Left San Diego on Midwest Airlines on time (12:30pm). We got into KC right on time as we had wheels down at 3:30 (PDT)/5:30 (CDT). We got our rental car (a White Dodge Charger) and drove the 20 minutes to our Hotel. We got checked in and as we were driving into the hotel we saw that there was not only a Super Wal-Mart across the street from the hotel, but we also saw where we ended up having dinner. The resturant in question......Waffle House. This was the first time that my mom and I had ever even been inside a Waffle House, while it was the first time in more than 20 years. After dinner, we decided to go tour downtown KC. If you check out my myspace page you can checkout the pictures.
Tuesday -- Left the hotel NE of KC around 10:30am and arrived in West Des Moines around 4:30pm. In that timeframe, we drove around and attempted to find the location that the Santa Fe and Oregon Trails met (we couldn't find the marker though). After that run around, we continued North and then took a side trip to Davis City, Iowa....yes a city that has my name in it COOL!!!!! While on the way to Davis City we passed an Amish buggy on the way there. After that we stoped in Osceola to gamble alittle at my sisters hotel company. While at the casino I lost, while my father (JOKING HERE) the bastard won over $150 on the penny slots. We drove by where we will be in the next couple of days, the covered bridges of Madison County & the birthplace of John Wayne. We are in West Des Moines until Friday, so if you have any questions on Iowa, drop me a line. I'll try and figure out the answer.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
OK, its time to go
It will be an interesting trip, Dad is happy that we will be touring the Greyhound Hall of Fame in Abilene, Kansas. My Dad used to run Greyhounds at Caliente in Tiajuana and other locations here in the US. Talk to you from the road.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I can die happy now
He came back out a few seconds later, and said to come on in. I walked right up to Mr. Scully and shook his hand. I later told him that the only Dodgers that I liked where Orel Hershiser and Him. I then said that in reality I hate the Dodgers but I loved him. He smiled and said I'm glad that I'm in the select few. I told him no sir, you ARE the few, since Orel in now with the World Wide Leader in Sports (ESPN).
So really nothing important on this blog other than getting to meet one of my idols.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The second 50 begins
For those that care, the CWS field consists of:
1) Miami
2) North Carolina
4) Florida State
6) Rice
8) Georgia
and the winners between UC Irvine/(7) LSU and Fresno State/(3) Arizona State
As far things outside of College baseball, everything is ok, I'm going to officially start gettin ready for the big trip tomorrow with the fun stuff like washing clothes. I will begin packing on Friday for the trip. I have been put on notice that I might have to work the Padres game on Thursday. I hope that I get to as it will be my first Padres game of the year.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Super Regionals
Arizona Wild Cats (41-17) @ (1) Miami, Florida Hurricanes (50-8)
Arizona is coming into the Super Regional after sweeping through the Ann Arbor regional. The Wild Cats steam rolled over Eastern Michigan (13-7), Michigan(4-3), and Kentucky(5-3). The Cats finished 4th in the Pac-10 this year, and the conference still has three team in the field (including Arizona). UA has 8 hitters batting over 300, and the team is hitting .305. On the bump, the staff is led by reliever Daniel Schlereth (who was drafted by Arizona in the 1st round of the draft on Thursday) who has a 1.81 ERA (which for a college pitcher is minuscule), the starters have a combined ERA of 4.08. For starters a 4.08 combined ERA is decent, but the stat that really jumps out at me is that UA is hitting 50 points higher than the opposition and have out homered the opposition by a 2-1 margin.
Miami, just saying that to anyone who knows college baseball knows that that is enough. For those who don't know Miami is a baseball machine, almost on the same level as the football team. The 'Canes also have 8 hitters over 300, and 3 guys that have 10+ dingers (that is in the WOW territory). On the mound, Miami has five guys with sub-3 ERA's and to add on top of that, the pitcher that started out as the Saturday starter has become the Friday starter (best starter on the team) and is 11-0 with a 2.55 ERA. Chris Hernandez is the gentleman that I'm speaking of and brace yourself, he's a freshman. Miami had 3 players drafted in the first round of the MLB draft on Thursday.
Prediction -- Miami in a sweep.
Coastal Carolina Chanticleers (50-12) @ (2) North Carolina Tar Heels (49-12)
Coastal Carolina has been sneaking up on teams all year, well they can't sneak up on UNC due to the fact that the two teams have already faced each other this year. In the lone game that these two schools played CC won 11-4. It was a midweek game, which means they won't see the same pitcher unless its in relief. Coastal Carolina has seven players hitting above 300, and the team is hitting .326 (good for 19th in the country). On the mound, the teams three weekend starters are a combined 22-4, with an ERA of 3.77. Those are some good stats, the team has out homered the opposition by 24 and has 47 more doubles, also the opposition is hitting 60 points fewer than CC.
North Carolina has some numbers that pop out at you when you first look at the stats. Namely the fact that the Heels have two guys hitting over 400!!! As a team they have 6 guys hitting over 300, and a team average of .324. The bump has some interesting numbers as well. For instance, every other team in the field of 16 has at least three pitchers that qualify for pitching stats (thrown at least one inning per team game played), UNC only has two, grant you the Sunday starter is only 1/3 of an inning away from qualifying, but still.... The weekend starters have a combined 24-6 record and a 3.21 ERA. UNC certainly has a power advantage over the opposition this year as they have racked up 84 more doubles, 15 more triples and 34 more homers.
Prediction --- Even though UNC has the power numbers, I'm picking Coastal going the entire distance.
Fresno State Bulldogs (40-28) @ (3) Arizona State Sun Devils (48-11)
The Bulldogs come in after winning the Long Beach regional and are the only 4 seed from the regional round to still be alive. The boys from Central California defeated San Diego in the "if necessary" game by a 5-1 margin. FSU has five hitters over 300 and a team average of .297. Pitching wise the staff is led by Junior Tanner Scheppers with his 2.93 ERA in 12 appearances and an 8-2 record. The weekend rotation of Allison, Wilson, and Miller are a combined 16-12 and a 4.18 ERA. It would not surprise me if Scheppers was the starter in game one, Allison in game two, and Johnny Allstaff (the entire pitching staff) in game three.
Arizona State is in a great spot as eight of the nine starters are hitting over 300 and a team average of .341 will work very nicely as it is 5th in the Nation. Pitching will get the job done for you if you are a Sun Devil fan. The staff ERA is 4.51 and somehow they have a pitcher that is 12-0, yet he has yet to start a game, it doesn't exactly add up, but I trust the SID office. Interesting note on the Sun Devils, when they have the lead after four innings, they are 42-2.
Prediction --- ASU in a sweep.
Wichita State Shockers (47-15) @ (4) Florida State Seminoles (52-11)
Pitching match ups: (Thanks to Wichita State's game notes)
Friday: Rob Musgrave (WSU, LHP, 11-1, 2.21) Vs. Elih Villanueva (FSU, RHP, 7-2, 3.61)
Saturday: Aaron Shafer (WSU, RHP, 11-3, 2.67) Vs. Matt Fairel (FSU, LHP, 11-2, 3.67)
Sunday: Anthony Capra (WSU, LHP, 9-0, 2.87) Vs. TBA
Just by looking at the pitching match ups, I don't think I really need to go to in depth on this SR.
Prediction --- Even with the best offense (batting average, FSU) in the country .... Wichita State in a sweep.
Stanford Cardinal (37-22-2) @ (5) Cal State Fullerton Titans (41-20)
The Cardinal, what can you say about this Bay Area team? First they are the 5th most winning team in NCAA history (2554-1600-34 in 115+ seasons (.614 WP)). They have also won five SR's, but this years team they are hitting .300 and have a team ERA of 4.43. The weekend starters started the season pretty rocky but have managed to come back and finish the season strong. Erik Davis (7-3, 4.59) and Jeffery Inman (7-2, 4.22) are the two at the top of the rotation.
The Titans are coming off an regional that they hosted and had to come through the losers bracket after losing to UCLA in the winners bracket final. In the regional championships the Titans payed the Bruins back by scores of 11-8 and holding them off 5-4. The rotation for the Titans looks to be Jeff Kaplan (RHP, 11-2, 4.37), Daniel Renken (RHP, 5-5, 4.11) and Cory Arbiso (RHP, 12-3, 4.21). That is a pretty good rotation.
Prediction -- The Titans feel very comfortable in Omaha, and Rosenblatt Stadium will have Blue & Orange in it again this year, Fullerton will run their very impressive SR record to 8-1 (sweep).
Texas A&M Aggies (46-17) @ (6) Rice Owls (45-13)
A&M is coming off a regional that saw them score 15, 22 & 13 in the wins, pretty impressive. The Aggies certainly have the power numbers as they have three hitters with at least 12 HR's. The weekend rotation includes Brooks Raley (LHP, 7-2, 4.33) is scheduled to start Saturday. The remaining portions of the weekend rotation include Clayton Ehlert (6-2, 3.41) and Barret Loux (6-2, 4.27).
Rice is on a roll, prior to the two and out in the Conference-USA tournament the Owls had reeled off 10 straight wins and 22 of 23 to finish the regular season. Six hitters are over 300 and the team is hitting .308, while on the mound the weekend starters are a combined 18-6 with a ERA sub-3.50.
Prediction --- Rice should be booking plane tickets to Omaha.
UC Irvine Anteaters (41-16) @ (7) LSU Tigers (46-16-1)
Projected rotation:
Scott Gorgen (RHP, 11-3, 2.31) Vs. Ryan Verdugo (LHP, 9-2, 3.81)
Daniel Bibona (LHP, 9-3, 3.03) Vs. Blake Martin (LHP, 5-3, 4.88)
Bryce Stowell (RHP, 8-2, 2.77) Vs. TBA
Game three starter last weekend
UCI might just have the wackiest nickname in all of college athletics. The 'Eater Nation is in the supers for the second consecutive year after sweeping through the Lincoln regional. UCI took out Oral Roberts twice and the host Nebraska in a 3-0 sweep of the regional. As you can see the rotation for UCI is a pretty darn good one, hitting wise there are 7 Anteaters that are hitting over 300 and the team is hitting at a .306 clip.
The #7 seed LSU also swept through their regional taking out Texas Southern in the first game and Southern Miss in back-to-back games. The LSU Bayou Bengals have outscored the opponents 192-122 in the middle three innings, and I would suggest the the Eaters to make sure that they are not trailing after the 7th inning. The Tigers are a very nice 38-2-1 when leading after 7. LSU has seven batters over 300 and the team is a .305 hitter as a whole. The team has a 3.83 ERA.
Prediction --- This SR could go either way, but I'm going to go with LSU simply because they know how to close games out.
North Carolina State Wolf Pack (41-20) @ (8) Georgia Bulldogs (39-22-1)
The NC State ball club are a self-described "Road Warriors" as the Head Coach described them during a recent post-practice news conference. If Georgia wants to have a chance they better keep the game close as the Pack is 22-2 in games decided by 5 or more runs. The team is hitting 300 and seven hitters over 300 with at least 110 AB's. Pitching is a mix bag as the two leading pitchers have a combined record of 12-7. It could get interesting for the Pack.
The Bulldogs had built the 2008 season on pitching and defense while scratching out a run here and there to get the win. Then came last weekend, when the Bulldogs outscored the region 64-27 coming out of the losers bracket. The good thing for Georgia is that they are battle tested facing 10 nationally ranked teams. Stats wise, the team is hitting .306 with five players over the 300 mark. The pitching staff is led by the stopper of the staff Josh Fields who was drafted by the Seattle Mariners on Thursday with the 20th pick in the first round. Field was 2-2 with 16 saves and a 2.27 ERA. The rotation is suspect on the stats side of things with a 16-10 record and a 4.62 ERA.
Prediction --- Another SR that could go either way, I'm going with NC State with the SR going the distance.
Your CWS field:
1 Miami
2 Coastal Carolina
3 Arizona State
4 Wichita State
5 CSU-Fullerton
6 Rice
8 NC State
Concert and working out
I told my friend Matt, that I was going to workout Wednesday morning on Tuesday night. Well, since for some unknown reason I didn't wake up until almost noon, I didn't workout in the morning. I lounged around the house until it was time to go to the concert up at Viejas.
Gary Allen (Country) was performing and since it was in the outlet center up there, I went up alittle earlier than I needed to for the concert since I needed another pair of shoes for the trip. So since there is a Nike outlet store there, I went shopping for a pair of shoes. Tell me if I got a good deal or not, the shoes that I bought sell in the stores regularly for $75, but at the outlet store I got them for $35. I thought it was a good buy so I got it. Mom was with me, and she wanted to see if there were any other shoe stores in the center. Reebook has a store so we went over and she looked at shoes, while I looked at everything else. I found a jersey from the Golden State Warriors that was on sale for like $26. I'm not normally a big fan of the Warriors and probably won't have gotten the jersey, but when the name on the back matches my name, I got it.
Got home from the concert and went and worked out for about two hours. I have good news, I'm down to 269.5 pounds :) only 19.5 more pounds to lose before school starts again in August. On the workout front, I'm up to 300 crunches.....not bad for a guy who really couldn't do more than 50 a month ago.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Welcome to summer!!!!!!!!
Obviously it has been summer for a week (unofically) on the calendar. The real start is coming up in a couple of weeks here, but I have my first sunburn of the season. After spending most of Saturday at the beach for a birthday party. This was the longest that I had been at a beach for three years. I had a good time and the look on teh birthday boys face was priceless when the surprise guest.
On Sunday, I spent the day at home and either watched on tv or on the Internet coverage of the NCAA baseball championships. I am keeping an even more intent eye on the championships this year since I will be at the World Series championships.
So now it is full speed to the big trip later this month. In case you have been living under a rock, or I just haven't mentioned it to you. I am going with my parol officers to Des Moines, Iowa (where my dad grew up for three years), then over to Omaha, Nebraska for the College World Series - Championship game #1. After I watch some great college baseball, the family will be making the 6 hour drive south to Wichita, Kansas with a stop in Abilene, Kansas to checkout for my dad the Greyhound (dogs, not the bus company) Hall of Fame.