Sunday, May 11, 2008

O M G, how pathetic

Normally, I don't write blogs that don't realate to me, but sometimes you just have to get things off your chest.

A friend of mine told me to check his sisters wedding website ( out and tell him what I thought. Well, friend, here it goes.

I'm not a very big romantic, so the whole make a website for a wedding thing is so "reverse digestion" it (in the words of my sister) isn't even funny. Why in the world would anyone put a website up about there wedding?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

What a day

Greetings to all in Internet land.

This has been a very interesting day. As usual, I worked the overnight last night, and therefore "got off" at 5:00 am (didn't leave the office until 5:30). So I got home around 6 and got to sleep. I woke up thanks mom at 12:15 and did the normal moring routine (shower, shave, etc). I then went out to the car and cleaned out the front seat.

After making sure that everything was good to go, I went back into the house to put on my shirt (I had on an undershirt) and out my shoes on. I went over to Sarah's house and picked here up as she was teh reason for the trip. She had a coupon for a purse store that you will hear about later on. As we were beginning our journey to the O.C. we called Matt to see if he would like to join us. As it turns out he did want to join us, so we swung by his house and picked him up.

Our first stop was, brace yourself, Sonic in Fullerton for lunch. After lunch we went over to South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. That was a culture shock for me as I have never been in, let alone heard of, at least half of the stores in the second largest mall in the US. I went into the Porsche Design store, and was floored with some of the prices (an all leather laptop bag - $575, a key-chain $185). I did end up buying a CD at the USC spirit store. I almost bought a $150 shirt for only $40.

The ride home was interesting as I waa talking to my good friend Tom about what Matt bought. Keep in mind that Tom & Matt were roommates at one point. Matt took his fandom of the USC Trojans to the next level today. He bought of all things, a toothbrush with the USC logo on it. Yikes!!!!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

ouch, that hurts!

Well, just as I expected the day after the first workout in 5 years, there was some aching muscles. The one that I can't figure out thou is why my right elbow is hurting. My left one is fine, it is the right one that hurts so much. Ah, who knows.

I gave my speech on College Textbooks and the prices that are out of control. Out of a possible 100 points, I got an 84. It would have been a 94 had I've just kept my hands out of my pockets, and kept my speech to under 9 minutes (I ended up going 10:02).

Earlier this evening I played the "Here & Now" edtion of Monopoly. We play it a little different at my house, as since the makers of Monopoly have yet to make extra paper mone for the H&N edition, we use poker chips to supliment the money. White chips = $1 Million, Blue chips = $5 Million, Black Chips = $10 Million, and Red chips = $50 Million. I ended up winning with a grand total of property and cash of $358.35 Million dollars. Since I have gotten this game (Christmas of 2007) I have kept a scoreboard of the final totals, and that #358.35 puts me in the top spot! :)

If you ever want to play, just let me know. Sometimes if everyone is up to it, I play where everyone puts in like $5.00 and who ever wins, takes all the cash. Now that is monopoly at its finest!

Tomorrow, I will be goin to the zoo to do a project for Anthropology on monkeys....did that just for you CJ!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Good for me

Well I guess this is one thing to do when you can't sleep, blog. This could be an interesting blog, who knows how much sense it will make as I'm writing it at 3:10 in the morning (PDT).

Well, to catch you up on what is going on in my life. Single Spinners had their first open week in class last night, we had 8 people come by, obviously we are hoping for more to come over the next two weeks. Since I'm the VP of Spinners, that means I'm also the class coordinator. Lots of memorization of names over the next few weeks. The plan I have for this class is to have a hands off approach for the first month. If I see any cliques forming I'm going to break them up, unlike the last few class coordinators we have has at Spinners.

After the dance, instead of coming home and working on homework, I decided to swing by the 24Hour fitness in College Grove (a shopping center in SD for those that don't know) and signed up for a membership. Not a bad deal either, normally with the initiation fee and processing and all the other junk, it comes out to be about $185 & $40/mo. Well, the guy that I talked to gave me a real deal, no initiation fee. Just first / last and a small processing fee of $24 for a grand total of $72 w/ monthly $24 dues. The only draw back to it is that it is the one club only, if I want to up grade to all clubs, I'm guessing it will jump up dramatically.

Well, I'm going to again try and fall asleep, I went to bed originally around 12:30.

Monday, May 5, 2008

absolute BS

Why is it that people in high places in business don't let new people break in?

I just found out that the former head coach and current teacher at Grossmont College has found out that I was working on a media guide for the upcoming football season, and has now told me to basicly cease and desist from creating a media guide.

This teacher has had it in for me ever since I wrote in the school newspaper back in I think 1999 that his team could not get a first down even if it was 1st and 1/8 of a yard. I wrote this statement (or something pretty close to it) because the team was 0-the season. They couldn't do anything right, and since I am a reporter that writes what I see, I wrote that they stunk.

Every since then the teacher (who was the coach at the time) has done everything in his power to screw me.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Greetings from a very happy house

So, today was the day. I turned in my term paper, and then I had to sit through a wonderful presentation on Marge Pierce. A very feminine activist that has no bearing on my life.

After that, I departed Grossmont College for the season finale for SD Christian College baseball. The Hawks ended up losing 10-8 to finish the season 19-26. A disappointing season, but I look at it as the sophomore slump. Hopefully, in what might (you never can really tell what the future holds) be my next to final season with the Hawks. As by the time the 2010 season comes around, I will be at CSU-Bakersfield and working in that Sports Information office.

After the game, I drove the 1 mile back to the casino. I had withdrawn some money on the way up to the field. I usually play either poker or craps, I chose craps and stood on the opposite end than what I usually do. I lost my first bet on the "Don't Come". As soon as the number was made (the reason why I lost my "Don't Come" bet) I started playing on the "pass line" (that is the line that most people play). I started with $200, an hour and 10 minutes later, I was up over $200 dollars. I took that money, and went to play my favorite slot machine "Texas Tea". On the first spin I hit the bonus for close to 400 credits. I pretty much stayed even, and cashed out with $125. I took the ticket from that machine to another machine of the same type, and fell down to $85, but eventually raised it back up to $135. I got that cashed into bills, and did something that I've never done before I played a $1 Jacks or better vp (video poker for those that didn't know). I ended up actually winning on that machine as well and walked out of the casino up close to $350. So not a bad day overall.

So tomorrow I will be having the extreme pleasure to sit through two different Political economics speeches. And then turn in my outline for my persuasion speech in Public Speaking.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I'M DONE, I say. All I have to do now, is print out the actual term paper, and have one more person read it through and make the small editorial changes that they suggest, and teh most boringest paper that I have ever been assigned will be in the past.

Of course, when that is over, I get to write three more papers, two are re-writes, and one is a paper (3 paragraphs max) on how some monkeys act at the zoo.....Hey CJ wanna come with, I'm going to be watching the mon-keys!! :)

Just thought I would let everyone know that I'm finihsing the paper basicly for me about 32 hours ahead of time.