Showing posts with label Navy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Navy. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wow, what a couple of days

Greetings and welcome to bog 1.004, this bog will be on press conferences, games, and traffic.

First press conferences, I have been to a boat load in the last couple of days. First we had the post-game conference at the SDSU men's game against Navy, then the post-game at the SDSU women's game (interesting note coming on that), and then today with the Poinsettia Bowl conference this morning, and the weekly Aztecs conference at Cox Arena (I kind of feel like I have been living there the last few days).

The note on the SDSU women's game is this. The Naval academy women's basketball team got into San Diego on Sunday. For dinner on Sunday they went to a Mexican restaurant in Mission Valley (I will not say which one on here as it would get me into trouble). The entire team, including the coaches, got food poisoning. So with that in mind, the entire team ran into the locker room after the game. For those who don't know the traditions with any service academy they always stay after the game to hear the alma mater played by the band. I had the EXTREME honor of being asked by the Capt. of the basketball team to stand in for the team during the alma mater. At the conclusion of the alma mater, I yelled as loud as I could the final two words of the song, "BEAT ARMY"! I personally went through the entire band, and thanked them for their service to the country, and they all thanked me for doing so.

The games that I have been to in the last few days includes both sides of the Aztecs vs. Navy battle (both games went to SDSU, BTW).

Traffic, say, has anyone in San Diego ever thought about oh, I don't know, BEING COURTIOUS????????? I would have to say no from what I can see here lately. If the driver in front of you needs to get in, let them, who knows, maybe the next time that you need to get in you will be able to do so.

Until I type again, this is Chris signing off of bog 1.004