Showing posts with label Voting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Voting. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2012



Now that I have that out of the way...

I would encourage a Yes vote on Prop 30, for multiple reasons.  But I will simply state this, if you vote yes and it passes, I get my job back at one of my jobs.

The one proposition that I would really like to talk about here is Prop 35.  I would first state that I am totally against Human Trafficking.  However, this prop in my opinion is not written correctly.  According to this proposition 

"290.024. For purposes of this chapter, the following terms apply:(a) “Internet service provider” means a business, organization, or other entity providing a computer and communications facility directly to consumers through which a person may obtain access to the Internet. An Internet service provider does not include a business, organization, or other entity that provides only telecommunications services, cable services, or video services, or any system operated or services offered by a library or educational institution.(b) “Internet identifier” means an electronic mail address, user name, screen name, or similar identifier used for the purpose of Internet forum discussions, Internet chat room discussions, instant messaging, social networking, or similar Internet communication."Page 104 of California State voter information guide
Now that everyone knows where I'm going on this.  I am all for strengthening the law, but hold on here.  First, if a person is convicted of being a sexual predator their lives are over.  No smart business will hire that person for fear of it coming out in the press and the public backlash.  Second, is it really necessary to follow what the convicted person does on say a family website?  Yeah, chat rooms that they could possibly find a new victim, I have no problem with it.  But with the way this law is written, you could have people talking to family members that have no intent on doing anything wrong and still be investigated.

I was going to say that there is the other side of the issue of "Commercial sex acts" which I believe would cover prostitutes.  I don't know, but I'm sure that many of the "pros" that are out there are there on their own volition.  Thankfully, that portion of the act has been stricken from the California voter guide, so I would assume (and when dealing with government it truly is make an ass out of u and me) it is no longer part of the law.

I have now stated my peace, thanks for reading.  I would like to close by restating my overall theory, if you are registered and can vote, DO IT.  If you don't vote you can't complain about the country and where the elected officials are taking us, because you fucked up and didn't vote!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The day after....

Well, what a night as far as our country is concerned. And for that matter, can California make up its collective minds?????

I say the last portion, simply becasue the voting doesn't make any sense. The state votes for Barrack Obama, who is generally pro-life and also to the best of my knowledge open to Gay's right to marry. So what does the State do? They strike down Gay's rights to marry and they also strike down a measure that would have required doctors to notify parents of minors that are in the process of having an abortion. This doesn't make any sense to me. If anyone can figure it out, and explain it to me, please leave a comment and explain. I'm also surprised at how many local bond acts passed, actually they all passed putting the county further into debt. In the current economic situation the country is in, allowing yourself to get further into debt, I believe is a bad thing, but what do I know?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

So here it is Election Day 2008, the day that the Nation elects a new leader for the next four years. Now yes, I am blogging about the fact that we are voting today, but unlike many other people that blog constantly, I am different. I don't care WHO you vote for, just as long as you DO VOTE!

As far as how I'm voting on the important things here in the great state of California, I am voting NO on Props 1-10 and YES on 11 & 12. Now, I know not everyone who reads this blog is a math major, so I will spell it out for you....I'm voting against Prop. 8.

Not that I need too, but I will explain why I'm voting no on this very important proposition. Prop 8 (for those that are reading this from outside of California) is on Gay marriage. If you vote yes on it, you are voting to make sure that the California state constitution reads "Marriage is between one man and one woman." Yes, this is what I believe, however, it is not my place, nor in my opinion, is it anyones right to tell anyone else how to live thier lives. I'm not Gay, but Gays have just as much right to enjoy the happiness of being married.