Showing posts with label hotel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hotel. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Traveling in Nebraska and Kansas

Well today we crossed into Kansas as is deminstrated by this picture below. Yes I'm being a goof ball, but every once in a while aren't you allowed to be?

We left Council Bluffs around 9:30a and got into Omaha around 4, with a 30 minute stop at a truck stop in Salina, KS. So we finally got into the hotel, and they were nicer than any other hotel that I have been to. This would be a hotel that I would be proud to work at, as long as things work as smoothly as check in did.

So I met up with the May's and Mom and I took Amanda over to a trail dance for the NSDC, with the convention actually opening on Thursday. We spent at least an hour after the dance at the May's RV just talking about random stuff.