Showing posts with label speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label speech. Show all posts

Thursday, May 8, 2008

ouch, that hurts!

Well, just as I expected the day after the first workout in 5 years, there was some aching muscles. The one that I can't figure out thou is why my right elbow is hurting. My left one is fine, it is the right one that hurts so much. Ah, who knows.

I gave my speech on College Textbooks and the prices that are out of control. Out of a possible 100 points, I got an 84. It would have been a 94 had I've just kept my hands out of my pockets, and kept my speech to under 9 minutes (I ended up going 10:02).

Earlier this evening I played the "Here & Now" edtion of Monopoly. We play it a little different at my house, as since the makers of Monopoly have yet to make extra paper mone for the H&N edition, we use poker chips to supliment the money. White chips = $1 Million, Blue chips = $5 Million, Black Chips = $10 Million, and Red chips = $50 Million. I ended up winning with a grand total of property and cash of $358.35 Million dollars. Since I have gotten this game (Christmas of 2007) I have kept a scoreboard of the final totals, and that #358.35 puts me in the top spot! :)

If you ever want to play, just let me know. Sometimes if everyone is up to it, I play where everyone puts in like $5.00 and who ever wins, takes all the cash. Now that is monopoly at its finest!

Tomorrow, I will be goin to the zoo to do a project for Anthropology on monkeys....did that just for you CJ!