So, today was the day. I turned in my term paper, and then I had to sit through a wonderful presentation on Marge Pierce. A very feminine activist that has no bearing on my life.
After that, I departed Grossmont College for the season finale for SD Christian College baseball. The Hawks ended up losing 10-8 to finish the season 19-26. A disappointing season, but I look at it as the sophomore slump. Hopefully, in what might (you never can really tell what the future holds) be my next to final season with the Hawks. As by the time the 2010 season comes around, I will be at CSU-Bakersfield and working in that Sports Information office.
After the game, I drove the 1 mile back to the casino. I had withdrawn some money on the way up to the field. I usually play either poker or craps, I chose craps and stood on the opposite end than what I usually do. I lost my first bet on the "Don't Come". As soon as the number was made (the reason why I lost my "Don't Come" bet) I started playing on the "pass line" (that is the line that most people play). I started with $200, an hour and 10 minutes later, I was up over $200 dollars. I took that money, and went to play my favorite slot machine "Texas Tea". On the first spin I hit the bonus for close to 400 credits. I pretty much stayed even, and cashed out with $125. I took the ticket from that machine to another machine of the same type, and fell down to $85, but eventually raised it back up to $135. I got that cashed into bills, and did something that I've never done before I played a $1 Jacks or better vp (video poker for those that didn't know). I ended up actually winning on that machine as well and walked out of the casino up close to $350. So not a bad day overall.
So tomorrow I will be having the extreme pleasure to sit through two different Political economics speeches. And then turn in my outline for my persuasion speech in Public Speaking.
The rants, raves, thoughts, and general knowledge of one person in Spring Valley, California. Hope you enjoy or at the very least, can tolorate it.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I'M DONE, I say. All I have to do now, is print out the actual term paper, and have one more person read it through and make the small editorial changes that they suggest, and teh most boringest paper that I have ever been assigned will be in the past.
Of course, when that is over, I get to write three more papers, two are re-writes, and one is a paper (3 paragraphs max) on how some monkeys act at the zoo.....Hey CJ wanna come with, I'm going to be watching the mon-keys!! :)
Just thought I would let everyone know that I'm finihsing the paper basicly for me about 32 hours ahead of time.
Of course, when that is over, I get to write three more papers, two are re-writes, and one is a paper (3 paragraphs max) on how some monkeys act at the zoo.....Hey CJ wanna come with, I'm going to be watching the mon-keys!! :)
Just thought I would let everyone know that I'm finihsing the paper basicly for me about 32 hours ahead of time.
Monday, April 28, 2008
I can't believe that I'm in this class....Intro to Computers in case you were trying to figure out which class I'm speaking of. I have been working on and with computers since I was in the 6th grade. I really wish I could have just taken a test that shows that I know what the heck they are telling me already.
Also, good news, I finished my research paper after the _ _ _ _ _ of a teacher changed the way that she wants the class to turn in the crap. I have a friend that has a degree in English that said that she would look at the paper and will look at it. I asked her to grade it VERY hard since that is the way that the English instructor grades.
Also, good news, I finished my research paper after the _ _ _ _ _ of a teacher changed the way that she wants the class to turn in the crap. I have a friend that has a degree in English that said that she would look at the paper and will look at it. I asked her to grade it VERY hard since that is the way that the English instructor grades.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I love him, but damn if he isn't the biggest ass
Any guesses on whom I'm talking about? If you said my dad you are correct.
My dad doesn't have any hearing in his right ear. No big deal, if he were to just deal with this. He has had this issue for close to two years now, and he is no where near accepting it.
Here is the situation this afternoon. He walks in from doing his laundry at the laundrymat, my mom doesn't want him to wash his work clothes in our washer and dryer, why I have no idea, but she doesn't. He asks me a question, and I answer him in a normal volume. He turns around and says "what?" I exhale (in a semi-pissed off way) and begin to repeat the answer and he just goes off. He claims that I mumble and don't speak clearly, and all of this other crap. Now, if he were to actually give in and wear a hearing aid, he would have heard me without any issue. But since he is so damn conseded that "he doesn't need hearing aids, you just need to speak up". Well, the problem with that is that when I do speak up and talk alittle louder so that he can hear me he claims that I'm yelling. So there really is no way to win in this situation. I'm either yelling or I'm mumbeling ... there is no middle ground.
Any ideas out there?
My dad doesn't have any hearing in his right ear. No big deal, if he were to just deal with this. He has had this issue for close to two years now, and he is no where near accepting it.
Here is the situation this afternoon. He walks in from doing his laundry at the laundrymat, my mom doesn't want him to wash his work clothes in our washer and dryer, why I have no idea, but she doesn't. He asks me a question, and I answer him in a normal volume. He turns around and says "what?" I exhale (in a semi-pissed off way) and begin to repeat the answer and he just goes off. He claims that I mumble and don't speak clearly, and all of this other crap. Now, if he were to actually give in and wear a hearing aid, he would have heard me without any issue. But since he is so damn conseded that "he doesn't need hearing aids, you just need to speak up". Well, the problem with that is that when I do speak up and talk alittle louder so that he can hear me he claims that I'm yelling. So there really is no way to win in this situation. I'm either yelling or I'm mumbeling ... there is no middle ground.
Any ideas out there?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
YES !!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I have finally crossed a major checkpoint in my English/Anthropology term paper. I have reached the 10 sources used in my paper. With the title page, and works cited page I have reached the 8 page mark. In reality the way that this teacher (English) looks at things I have barely six pages. When the paper is due at the end of the first week in May, I will need to have typed at the least 10 pages of actual report or 12 pages total. So off to bed here at 2:40 in the am so that I can wake up no later than 1000 in order to take a shower and go meet with the _ _ _ _ _. I'll let you fill in the blanks.
I guess I'll talk/write/type later. Oh if you know what my car looks like and you live in the Northern portion of SD County or in the OC look for the "Silver bullet" on Thursday as I get the pleasure to go to Vanguard University to watch the Hawks take on the Lions. My prediction is that an animal that usually preys on others will win.
Hint: the third letter is a T.
I guess I'll talk/write/type later. Oh if you know what my car looks like and you live in the Northern portion of SD County or in the OC look for the "Silver bullet" on Thursday as I get the pleasure to go to Vanguard University to watch the Hawks take on the Lions. My prediction is that an animal that usually preys on others will win.
Hint: the third letter is a T.
Silver Bullet,
Term Paper,
The OC,
Monday, April 21, 2008
What a weekend....
So, for those that actually care (I know Jesse doesn't but bear with me buddy), the SDCC baseball team swept a doubleheader from Westmont College in Santa Barbara by scores of 5-4 and 2-0. The team has five games remaining in this season, the team right now needs to win out and have quite a few other teams lose at least two games in order to get into the playoffs. Taking a quick look at the potential 2009 season schedule some interesting opponents are shaping up for the Hawks. If the potential schedule that I have been hearing rumors about are true, then the Hawks will be taking on Lewis & Clark State, Sioux Falls, Occidental, San Francisco State, UC San Diego, CSU-Bakersfield, and in what could be a very questionable matchup.....San Diego State.

Now about last weekend. We (my Mom, Matt, and I) left San Diego and flew Virgin America to San Francisco International. First let me say, Virgin America blows my former employer OUT OF THE WATER. Some of the finer points of the VA experience are the fact that TV is free (unlike my previous employer), music videos, and chattin within the plane. Every single seat is covered in leather, and the seats are made by Ferrari (you can't get much better than that). We arrived in San Fran at 3:45 pm on Friday. After a 2 stops on our way to Sacramento that totaled maybe 10 minutes, we arrived at our hotel at 8:15 pm. We got settled in and got ready for the dance and went to the dance. After the dance some friends and I went to Denny's for a post-dance hangout.
On Saturday, we went back to the convention, and had fun during the day dancing and hanging out with friends. I was chosen to coach a square in the annual Youth compitition against my good friend Jesse. Jesse going into this weekend was a clean 5-0 against me, well, you can now make that 5-1 as my square finally got me off the schnid.
Saturday at the after party, Robert Woodard stepped up to the stage to call. For those who don't know, I do know how to call, but thanks to everyone in SD not giving me a chance over the last four years. Andy Allemao who graduated in the same class as I did is now not only calling throughout the state, he is getting out of state gigs now as well. Me, nothing since no club will give me a shot at practicing in front of live squares. That is all for my venting.
On Sunday, Mom, Matty, and I all left Sacramento after driving by the state capitol, and then making our way to Vacaville to visit the Outlet Center. After purchasing a few items there, we went to a great Italian place, where the sexiest looking woman in all of Northern California is working. She is So Cal quality trapped in nowhere-ville in Nor Cal. Wow, I'm still thinking of her two days later.
We made our way down to "the city by the bay"
and stopped in the middle of the bay on Treasure Island. This brought back some memories for me as I spent two weeks on this base when it was still a Naval Station.
We took a few pictures from the middle of SF Bay and then we went down the Embarcadero in SF I have no idea how I did it, but I found Lombard Street, and went down that famous street. Saw the TransAmerica building from several different angles.
From there, we made our way over to SFO (the airport code for San Francisco International, in
case you didn't know). We flew home to SD and then fell into bed.
This is a great warmup for me as this summer I will be traveling to the Mid-West. On that trip my Mom, Dad, & I will be visting Des Moines (where my Dad grew up) then over to Omaha to watch some CWS action, and then down to Whichita for the National Square Dance Convention. It should be fun. Til I write again, Later.
Keep close attention
I will be posting several pics and stories from this past weekend. I traveled to Sacramento via San Francisco. I will be giving a full review of this weekend after I get some z's.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
this weekend
So if you are going to try and get ahold of me this weekend, look for me in our state capitol, Sacramento.
I will be at Cal Expo to be exact as it is the 49th California State Convention. I will be enjoying the weekend, and not even thinking of my term paper for English/Anthropology. So enjoy your weekend, and I'll talk to you on the other side of the weekend.
PS I will be talking about the 2009 San Diego Christian College baseball schedule.
I will be at Cal Expo to be exact as it is the 49th California State Convention. I will be enjoying the weekend, and not even thinking of my term paper for English/Anthropology. So enjoy your weekend, and I'll talk to you on the other side of the weekend.
PS I will be talking about the 2009 San Diego Christian College baseball schedule.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong Day @ the Ballpark
Talk about a long, long, long draining day at the ballpark.
For those who do not know, I work with the San Diego Christian College Baseball team, as statistician and in-game dj. This is great, because I love college baseball, and baseball in general but talk about a long day at the park.
The San Diego Christian baseball team plays at Stars Field/Casiono Diamond on the Barona Indian Reservation here in San Diego County. The field is nice and is very pitcher freindly (especcially when the wind blows in, like it was yesterday). The only downside to this facility is that when it is hot (+ 90F) the heat just drains all energy out of those who are at the ballpark.
The field has gone through many upgrades since I worked for the Stars, including a closed in press box (there is nothing worse then a blue tarp over your head trapping the heat in on a hot July day!). I got to the field at 11:30 for a noon first pitch (yes, late by my standards, but when you only get 4 hours sleep what more do you wnat?). I took the laptop, printer, and the other equipment that was going to be needed, including 2 waters and a gatorade to keep me hydrated (very easy to get dehydrated up there). First game was a total blowout 12-4 #4 Azusa Pacific's favor. With the game being alot more lopsided then what the score would indicate.
Anyways, so that was how my Saturday went. Love to write more, but I need to work on my term paper.
PS. Turned in my rough draft on my term paper today (4/16). It was supposed to be five pages, but I only got in four and a half pages turned in. CD
For those who do not know, I work with the San Diego Christian College Baseball team, as statistician and in-game dj. This is great, because I love college baseball, and baseball in general but talk about a long day at the park.
The San Diego Christian baseball team plays at Stars Field/Casiono Diamond on the Barona Indian Reservation here in San Diego County. The field is nice and is very pitcher freindly (especcially when the wind blows in, like it was yesterday). The only downside to this facility is that when it is hot (+ 90F) the heat just drains all energy out of those who are at the ballpark.
The field has gone through many upgrades since I worked for the Stars, including a closed in press box (there is nothing worse then a blue tarp over your head trapping the heat in on a hot July day!). I got to the field at 11:30 for a noon first pitch (yes, late by my standards, but when you only get 4 hours sleep what more do you wnat?). I took the laptop, printer, and the other equipment that was going to be needed, including 2 waters and a gatorade to keep me hydrated (very easy to get dehydrated up there). First game was a total blowout 12-4 #4 Azusa Pacific's favor. With the game being alot more lopsided then what the score would indicate.
Anyways, so that was how my Saturday went. Love to write more, but I need to work on my term paper.
PS. Turned in my rough draft on my term paper today (4/16). It was supposed to be five pages, but I only got in four and a half pages turned in. CD
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