Monday, April 28, 2008


I can't believe that I'm in this class....Intro to Computers in case you were trying to figure out which class I'm speaking of. I have been working on and with computers since I was in the 6th grade. I really wish I could have just taken a test that shows that I know what the heck they are telling me already.

Also, good news, I finished my research paper after the _ _ _ _ _ of a teacher changed the way that she wants the class to turn in the crap. I have a friend that has a degree in English that said that she would look at the paper and will look at it. I asked her to grade it VERY hard since that is the way that the English instructor grades.

1 comment:

Jesse May said...

So - have you learned anything new yet??? There is usually something that doesn't make any different operating a computer that you didn't know. :) :) :)