Well, yesterday was graduation, part deux. As some might know, back in 2004 I graduated with a certificate of achievement in radio. Yesterday was the day that I got my Associates.
The fun part of the day was when I showed up for the athletics grad party prior to graduation. I walked in and said hello to the athletics director and he saw that something was on my cap...
he then said well why don't you advertize Le Tour de Grossmont?
As a background, Le Tour de Grossmont is a 2.2 mile walk/run that is going on this Sunday as a fundraiser for the Women's Soccer coach at Grossmont. He was diagnosed with ALS in Janurary and this is being used as a way to help raise money for his health bills.
So I said, sure. We went to his office and the first number was 200, we pinned it to the back of my gown and then maybe halfway thru the party, one of the athletic eligibility clerks said hey "Why don't we have some more fun with it, and put a decimal point between the 2 and the 0 (2.00) and you can say it is you GPA." My actual GPA is 2.8, so I said, sure why not? So we did and I heard about a dozen or so laughs as I was walking in the graduation from my fellow students. Several of them even came and asked what it was all about, and I explained it to them and I now have some money that they donated to the cause, which I thought was really cool.
After graduation, the fam and I along with what ended up being 16 people (family to former neighbors to friends) came over to the house and we partied. Grilling up some hot dogs and hamburgers, we had fun and I met my friends fiance for the first time (and may I say that he has done some fine work, if you get what I mean).