Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Yes, we had another earthquake in So Cal today. No, I didn't feel it, as a matter of fact, I slept through it (the second consecutive earthquake that I have slept through, damn).

I just got done watching the early news here in San Diego. One of the last stories they had made alot of sense. If you have a family member that lives in another state than you do, you can use them to funnel information through, and text them instead of calling it is easier.

For example: my sister lives in Las Vegas, I would text her saying that everything is ok. My Mom and Dad would do the same thing, and tehn she would text back to us, that eeryone is ok. It would take as few as 4 texts.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Talk about eye opening

So last night, I went and saw a taping of "The Moment of Truth". For those that have never seen the Fox network show. The premmise is simple in theory, you are asked 50 questions of which 22 are available (21 actual questions, and 1 alternate). The first level there are 6 questions, if you get those 6 correct you have won $10,000. Answer another 5 correct and you have $25,000. After question 15 you have $100,000. Then 200,000, 300,000 and if you get all 21 questions you win $500,000.

The contestant that I saw for the show was a chiropractor and former body builder from Miami, Fl.

Usually while watching the show, the first five questions are basic questions. This guys first question was "Do you believe that chiropractors are real doctors?" The second question with his brother on the stage with him, "Are you a better chiropractor than your brother?". It was his third question that really showed you where the show was heading....."Have you ever charged an insurance company for more treatments than are actually nessecarry?" and from there, the questions ranged from being investigated by the DEA to "Have you ever dated a pre-op transsexual?" It was wild, and one of those times where you walk out of the studio so shocked that all you can say is "wow".

Friday, July 25, 2008

This Sunday, and next Sunday

Well as many of you who read this know, I'll be in Hollywood this sunday for a taping of "The moment of truth", and this just in....The Sports Crwe will be back on the air, starting next Sunday. Keep your eyes open for more information coming mid-next week.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Can you tell the truth?

Well, on Sunday I will find out if someone can. I say this because I'm heading back up to Hollywood to watch a taping for "The Moment of Truth". I'm not going with the same group (entirely) as I did on Monday. This time the group will be Mary O., Julie O., mom and myself. This time we are also makeing a pitstop at Del Mar so that I may recieve from the fine folks at DMTC a pair of beer glasses.

More on Monday....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hollywood with a side of Annoyance

So Mom and I got up at the ungodly hour of 5am. We left the house around 5:30 and made our way up to Sarah's house in Menifee. It took us about 90 minutes to get there, and we were actually running early (a good thing considering that we were going to have to deal with LA morning rush hour traffic). So after waiting for Sarah and her mom get ready, we left her house around 7:45. So we head up the 215 and attempt to get off so that we can take the 74 to get over onto the 15. We took the 15 to the 10 West all the way to the 101 North to Hollywood.

After we left Sarah's house, it took Sarah's mom a whooping 10 minutes before she started complaining, and once it started, IT DIDN'T FINISH UNTIL I FELL ASLEEP ON THE WAY HOME. So first it was it was too hot (seemed comfortable for 9am to me), then she was snoring, once we finally got to the parking structure, they complained about my driving through the structure (as a point of reference, there were no cars on the level, and I went straight through what would be parking spots to a parking spot that was close to the elevators). We finally begin our Magellan route to get to the line for "Are you smarter than a 5Th grader?" line. We start on the wrong side of the building so we walk 3/4 around the CBS Television City lot. We come across the "Price is Right" line, and then continue around the the front gate of CBS TV city. Sarah & I get to the line and about 5 minutes later the mom's finally get there. We get inside and then wait and wait and wait. Then at 11:30am the audience coordinators come out and tell the audience that they need to go to the bathroom because we would not be able until at least 3pm.

Finally we got inside the studio (which is much, much smaller than what it looks like on TV) and upbeat music to get the audience pumped up is playing. Now after the Storm game a few weeks ago, I knew that Sarah's mom doesn't like modern (1990's to today) music. So as soon as I heard the music, I knew there was going to be more complaining. Sure enough, as soon as we sat down (in the of row of the balcony) Sarah's mom (who was sitting to my left, with Sarah to her left, and my mom to the right of me) leaned over to me and said "They can shut this crap off."

After the taping, which ended around 3:30p or so, we waited for my mom to go to the bathroom (no problem, since we hadn't been able to go since 11:30a). Sarah & her mom both said that they needed to go but since the line was so long, they didn't go...keeping in mind that there were a set of porta-potties WITH NO LINE...no go, they didn't go. Instead they wait until we get back to the parking garage. We leave the garage, and Sarah tells me to go back the way that we came in...well as I was about to turn onto Melrose to head east and back to the 101. I see a 76 gas station with a store. I stop in the store so that I can buy drinks for my mom and I. As I made an exaggerated U-turn to go back onto Melrose (mainly cause I knew that Melrose & the 101 crossed, which they do), Sarah I could see out of the corner of my eye was getting rather ticked off at me, cause I was not following her directions. A couple of blocks later, I saw a subway restaurant, which was great for me, cause I was REALLY REALLY hungry!!! I pulled into the parking lot, Sarah went in with her mom, and then her mom came out was eventually told me that she was going across the street to a Del Taco to use the restroom. My mom went in to ge the sandwich that we ended up sharing. While they were in the shop, I called Matty to complain about the bitchyness of the females not related to me in the car. I also called my friend Tommy who now calls Vegas home, but grew up in the LA area. I asked him other than the 101 to the 10 how could I get to the Inland Empire (the 101 to the 10 route would be horrible that time of day). Tommy told me that if I took a route that he laid out for me, I would be able to knock off at least a 1/2 hour, obviously I took his route. We had gotten onto the 210 freeway, I was falling asleep behind the wheel, not wanting to get into an accident (and since we were in the backup of another accident), I asked my mom to swap spots with me. As most of you know, I'm very picky when it comes to who I let drive my car, very rarely is it anyone other than me! So when the backup stopped for more than just a second, my mom (who was sitting right behind me) switched spots. I fell asleep and mom drove the rest of the way to Sarah's house.

From what I heard, I was saved from more complaints. We eventually dropped Sarah off at her house, and her mom off at her house in La Mesa. making our way over to our house, where I can now get a good nights sleep. On the way home, it was looking like we might go back up on Friday when Larry The Cable Guy is supposed to be on the show, but after thinking about my work schedule this week, I decided against it. So since I'm really tired, I will say good night, and talk to everyone later.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

well that was an interesting day

So we (Mom, Dad and (obviously) me) got up and left the house for the adventure that was my birthday. We went to Sonic in Fullerton to grab some lunch and then over to Croakers in Garden Grove. While at the dance, I was presented a cool cake from everyone (thanks Jesse and Cheryl for purchasing it). On the cake was a baseball diamond and all the candles...including sparkling candles which none of my b-day cakes have ever had. Also there was a NASCAR candle that kept playing a sound of cars passing at high speed. Of course by the time that the cake came out, Dad was in the car, because as we all know, if he isn't having fun, he is not going to be hanging out.

So after the dance, the May's, Davis', Carpenter's and CJ all made our way over to Lake Elsinore to watch the Storm do battle against the Quakes. With CJ being the only Quakes fan in our group, he was very passionate in favor for his Quakes. The problem with this, is that Thunder (the Storms main mascot) heard CJ and CJ then became Thunder's target. Before the game, while I was attmpting to get some broken bat knobs for the hat rack that I'm trying to make, Thunder left the group sitting 10 rows from the field, and went down to talk to his helper on the field. At this point, I was thinking, Oh boy, CJ, you are going to get hit be some silly string by the end of the night. The helper went into the clubhouse and grabed a bottle of silly string. She came back out and handed it to Thunder who tryied to hide the bottle of silly string. He meandered back up near CJ and the gang, and then he sprayed him with nearly half to all of hte can on CJ.

During the ninth inning of the game (in which the Storm ended up losing 5-0) CJ, Amanda, Elizabeth C., Eric and myself all went up to the the Storm radio booth to see and talk to Sean McCall. Amanda, Elizabeth and Eric all got something from Sean (Eric a friesbe, Amanda & Elizabeth both got MLB baseball's)...Thanks Sean, you are the coolest!!!!

Tomorrow, look out Hollywood, I'm coming up to be apart of the audience for "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?"

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Well, another year older

Greetings from work. So another year has passed, and the old saying of "you can't trust anyone over 30" is starting to run through my head. I have many people in my life that don't get that statement.

First of all, ITS A JOKE! The saying is basicly saying that if you are under 25 you can't trust anyone that is 30+. I disagree with the statement, but the thing is that I can see why the "youngsters" are thinking that.

A blog is where you are supposed to get things off your chest and an on-line journal or somethign right? Well, this I guess is where I'm supposed to grow up since I'm turning the big 3-0 on Sunday. I guess I really need to start thinking on how to get my shit together.