Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Not a happy camper

Well, I got my research paper back from my instructor today. D+ was the final grade. Compare this to what the perosn who helped me on the paper said she would have given me a B and you will see why I'm not a happy camper.

For those of you who haven't been paying attention, my English class is apart of what Grossmont College refers to as "Project Success". PS is when you have an english class connected to another disciplne that allows the english teacher to help you learn two subjects and have them connected so that yo can understand the information in both. For me this semester it is English & Anthropology. Since these two classes are connected (or at least they were) if you take one class you are forced to enroll in the other. At the beginning of the semester there were a total of eight people in the English class and since Dr Yoshida opened the Anthro class up, there were 15 in the Anthro. Well, since about 6 weeks ago, there have been 4 in English, and 6 in Anthro (a teachers dream, small classes = more individualized attention). So you would think that we each would have a very in depth review of our rough drafts. We got the ol you need to work on this, this, and this. When we asked questions we were told, oh you don't need to worry about that. Well, if I don't need to worry about it, then why in the bleep did you mark me down for it?

In more positive news, as of Monday night (5 days since I had joined the gym) I had lost 3 pounds. I will be returning to the gym the next three nights before my next off night of Saturday. That is all for now. See everyone later.


Jesse May said...

Wow, that sucks about the grade

Cool - how many pounds is your goal?

Chris said...

My goal is to eventually get down to around 200 pounds. My short term goal is to lose 25 before school starts again.